Motion Reel

This is a compilation of my professional and personal animation & motion design.

Music: Battles – “Ice Cream”
00:09:01 The Americans | 2014 Promo: Animation
00:10:07 Trident | Tropical Twist: AE Animation, Compositing
00:12:07 Archer | Season 5 Promo: Character Animation, Animation, Compositing
00:15:11 EDP | Brand Re-Launch: Animation, Compositing
00:22:13 Miley Cyrus | 2013 AMA “Wrecking Ball” Background: Animation, Cat puppet setup & Animation
00:24:12 Apple | iOS 7: Siri: Design & Animation, Screen Animation
00:27:03 Deem@Work: Animation   
00.36:14 Heinz Christmas Card: Animation
00:38:08 Coca-Cola | Fountain History: Animation, Design, Compositing, Concept
00:42:02 Coca-Cola | Live Positively – HFC Free: Animation, Design, Compositing, Stop-Motion, Prop Design
00:46:09 Budweiser: Compositing, Particle Animation
00:47:07 The Lincoln Motor Company | “Say Hello, Again.”: Animation
00:51:18 2011 AICP Show Open: Animation, Design
00:53:20 CMC Trading: Animation
00:55:12 Vicks: Animation
00:56:13 Charter Internet: Animation, Design
00:57:18 Minute Maid: Animation
00:58:22 Heinz | The Beneficial Bean: Character Animation
01:00:21 Cartoon Network | Spring Break: Animation
01:03:08 Yoplait | Tweets: Animation, Design
01:04:15 Brookfield Australia: Animation
01:06:12 RBTH | Touch Russia: Art Direction, Animation, Design
01:07:13 Coca-Cola logo: Animation
01:08:23 Shores video: Direction, Animation, Design, Illustration
01:12:09 Departing Once Again: Direction, Animation, Design, Illustration